FEP Econ Hunt

Hello everyone!

I’m really in a good mood today.

Image result for happy gif cartoon

Lab test already done✅
Assignments are 60% completed✅
Finally fulfilled my seafood craving✅
I make new friends (I consider myself as an introvert, maybe a little because I always have this weird dislike towards people)✅
Econ Hunt finished✅
I’m going home tomorrow✅
And the most important thing, today is such an eventful day✅

So, hopefully, this post will turn out better and make up for the previous posts.

Anyway, the Econ Hunt finished today, just a few hours ago. My legs are betraying me right now. They are sore and it contributes much to make me sleepy. I also got sunburned (it’s been a while since the last time). But, as much as I prefer to be sitting in class, with air conditioner, I actually enjoyed the event. Finally feels like I did something after these past few weeks. So, congratulation to the AJKs🎉🎉🎉

A bit intro for Econ Hunt. It contributes 20% marks for final in Macroeconomics subject. So, it is a must. It is an improvised version of Scavenger Hunt. There were groups and each was given clues to find clues to activate questions by scanning using app like Hp Reveal.

                                                            Image result for hp reveal

Those questions must be answered and sent through a google form. Then the marks will be given. Sounds easy. If only it is THAT easy.

The clues were hidden all over UKM. I need to remind you that it was the Bangi campus, not KL or Cheras. In order to get questions (at this point it was only for questions, not even the answers yet), we need to scan the clues.

At the exact place ❗❗
With the right angle ❗❗

I walked a lot today. I think I have exercised enough for this week👀 And yes, I kind of struggles, but then I told myself, this is for marks. You want ‘Dekan’. I make it as my drive. Surprisingly, it works wonder to my lazy self.

Let’s continue…

My group, we divided according toplaces so that it will be faster. I only went to a few places (Bangunan Canselori, FSSK, Pusanika, PTSL, FEP, FPI, FST, and Taman Paku Pakis) and there are situated near to each other. But, adding up the pressure, less knowledge of the shortcut ways (I ended up lost at some point) and erratic weather, somehow it feels like everything was just too far away.

Most of the time today, I went to places with this girl. I just realized that we talked for the whole day but didn’t know each other’s name.

First, I went to Galeri Litograf, Karikatur & Manuskrip at FSSK. This place gave me a pleasant view. It was just so clean and pleasingly neat. The same goes to Balai Busana Melayu which is also at FSSK. Both hold things that are sentiment to our heritage and history. Actually, I was and still secretly in love with history. It was one of my favorite subjects during SPM. So, to be able to enter the gallery is like a little treat to me.



Then, I went to Bangunan Canselori. Too many influential UKM people here😁 We decided against
taking lift to go to the gallery which is on the 6th level because we thought that it is weird to take the elevator with those chancellors. Apparently, the first time we tried to take the elevator when the door open, there was someone there. It just felt wrong to step in. So, we take the stairs instead😂😂

After scanning clues and numerous selfies, I went to FPI and ATMA, it was the first time I step into ATMA. While being there, I hoped that I would come across my ex-roommate during Asasi because she's always there. Just to say hi because this is her final year and she is so nice. But she's not there today.

After that, I also went to Bangunan Geologi in FST. I was kind of excited because let me be honest, if I'm not taking business right now, I am most likely to take geology because I placed it as my second option during university application. I couldn't explore more. The building is kind of old, but really fascinating. We had trouble to find the clue here. The clue consists of a picture with numbers, so we thought why not just follow the number orders, right?

Turns out, they are not exactly sorted accordingly, so it takes a while.

Then, I also went to Cyber PTSL, Pusanika, and Taman Paku Pakis. At PTSL, again we were quite (I don't know how to say this) unlucky. Like, we asked for help from the people there and ended up got played (I didn't mean it as bad things 😌). Like, I don't know if they were meant to confuse us or simply didn't know the clue, but yeah. We wasted like 30 minutes trying to find clue that was not even there😓

30 minutes just to find the Jstore picture😶

After finding all the questions, we headed back to FEP. At exactly this moment, mother nature decided to grace us with their presence. Rain poured suddenly. (why do it felt like SPM essay all of sudden). Luckily we had an umbrella.

After sorting out all the answers, submitted them, then it's a wrap. Before the day ends, of course, we took pictures. A lot of pictures but somehow, there's not one picture that is perfect!

Here are the few decent ones

Overall, it was enjoyable.
Tiresome but enjoyable.
This means that I like it but surely, will not willingly do it again.
Or maybe once again before graduation.
But for now,
Once is enough😂



  1. Wow. this is my first time knowing there is a treasure hunt kinda like as part of the marks in subject..
    interesting.. maybe i should consider this in future :D
    i think that really nice coz i know macroeconomics is such a killer yet boring subject :D
    anyway, thanks for sharing this. good job and keep it up!


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