My Class: Management

Hi guys, welcome back!

This week has been a roller coaster. With the incoming final examination, all sudden everything becomes packed up. Assignments deadlines approaching, programs to attend and tests and quizzes that are yet to be done.

Image result for roller coaster gif funny spongebob
I'm Patrick

Anyway, I just finished my part on one of my assignments. It’s for management subject. We need to choose a company to do an analysis. My group selected the Alibaba Group. Hence right now, I’m full of the knowledge of Alibaba. The story of how the founder of Alibaba works hard to build the group from the small, unknown company until it becomes one of the most successful companies nowadays is really inspiring.

There's always a story to tell behind every success.

Image result for founder of alibaba
Co-founder of Alibaba, Jack Ma

But that's not the main point of this entry. I mean, I can write about Alibaba Group but that would be like redoing my assignment again😳

To be honest, had I didn't learn about management during my Degree, I wouldn't use my free time to search on things like what strategy a company practices to be successful and so on. So, I'm glad to take this subject.

To make it simple, I learn how to be a better manager,

                              Image result for be a better manager cartoon

manage companies successfully   

                           Image result for better management cartoon

and what is needed and what is not.

                            Image result for management tips illustration

Adding up to that is some history of the management. It's filled with facts and words yes, but it's like a breath of fresh air actually. Just like the Thai class, this subject is kind of stress-free.

For me, the most important factor for a successful lecture is the lecturer. I tend to love a lecture when the lecturer is good even if I suck in the subject. I really like my lecturer in this class. His lecture always ends in approximately an hour and a half (who wouldn't like that😸).

Apart from the syllabus, he likes to include his experiences in his lecture. He gives a lot of tips and advice. What I like the most about him is that I can see his passion in what he is doing and also, his love for his students.

I think what sets him apart from others is that he likes to walk around and get to know his students more. He always had small conversations with some of the students before the lecture begin. Maybe for some people, that's just nothing, but for me, I really appreciate those small gestures.

He told us he is nearing 60 or is he already 60, I can't seem to remember. I do wish him the best in life and I'm hoping that he will always be healthy💪

Stay strong, Prof!

Apart from the lecturer, the class is on Friday morning. I really like Friday's class because I know that it will be the last class of the week and it's nearing the weekend

My mood is always good on Friday😍

Aren't you too?


  1. Salam Balkis,
    Yeah, who wouldn't like friday and hate monday :D
    anyway, nice sharing.
    lucky you to have found that kind of lecturer. can i know his name? :D
    Good job and keep it up!


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