
Showing posts from October, 2019

My Kind of Music

Hi guys! I see we have met again. It’s been a hectic week for me. There are so many things undone and too much money wasted because I tend to eat whenever it’s stressful. Yes, it’s not healthy (both to my body and money).😂 To top it, I’m going to go back to Kedah tomorrow which takes approximately 7 to 8 hours and my earphone decided to break now. This means that I’m going to have no music to entertain me for the whole journey tomorrow. What perfect timing.                        Enough about the story of my life, what I want to write about today is my kind of music. Everyone loves music, right? Whether it’s a ballad, pop, rock, instrumental or even hip hop. Personally, I prefer ballad song better. Every time I listen to ballad, it makes me calmer and gave me a sense of relief. Music to me is not just an art or entertainment, but it provides me with an escape that I needed. You know, when life is hard, but you have no one to turn to. That’s when music helps me. Since I w

My Class: Application of Computer

Good day everyone! Welcome to my blog. Today I'm feeling smart and I want to do something different for this post. For anyone who didn't know, I have been at UKM for a month🎉Not quite long, but enough to exhaust me. Kidding! It's been a month and I'm still good and steady. So I have been attending this class (Computer Application or we called it AppComp idk) for 3 times as of now, and I dare say that my knowledge regarding Microsoft Excel has improved a lot. Just like what Robert Boyce said, 'Knowledge is Power, Knowledge Shared is Power Multiplied',  so I want to share what I have learned so far, therefore we can all be powerful💪So, shall we begin? Let's start with a few basic functions such as formulas for simple calculations. Do you know that Excel has a long list of formulas for mathematics calculations? Instead of wasting your time inserting numbers in the calculator to calculate for mean, median or even mode, Excel has a feature to help

Life as ASASIpintar Student- Part 1

 Hi readers, welcome to my blog! 2 days ago I was scrolling down through my gallery and I came across this picture! This gave me an idea of what to write for today's post. I was the ASASIpintar student for nearly a year. I'm glad and truly grateful to be the 'chosen one' (based on what my lecturer said) because it is what I wanted since I'm in Form 5. The reason why I chose ASASIpintar instead is that I believed that it is different from other Asasi. And yes, it is indeed different! This is what you can find different in ASASIpintar:  There is Research Subject (tbh, it is one of the toughest subjects for me, this subject has the most credit hours so it will heavily affect CGPA if not performed well. To complete this subject, I need to make a well-prepared proposal of the research that I wanted to conduct, then learned about SPSS and lastly prepared a full report and presented them. Sounds tough? Yes but it prepares you with what you need becau

UKM- Food Hunting

Wherever we go, I believed that we will always be looking for food. So, for today's posting, I want to talk about food varieties IN UKM. 1. College cafeteria  To start with, UKM has a total of 12 residential colleges; 10 at the main campus Bangi (KPZ,KUO,KIY,KDO,KTHO,KAB,KRK,KKM,KBH,KIZ) 1 at KL campus (KTSN) 1 at Cheras campus (KTDI) Every college has its own cafeteria. The difference is probably the size of cafeteria and variety of food available. For example, KPZ and KKM have a bigger cafe and the most variety of food compared to other colleges. My favorite is the KPZ cafe! Foods offered vary from Malay to Chinese, Western and Arab cuisine. There are also Roti Canai , Shawarma, Uncle Bob Fried Chicken and Mycafe (small bakery). The cafe also has different types of seating and you can choose to seat anywhere according to your preference. I always chose the hut because there is more privacy. If you got the chance to eat there, I can guarantee that you will ne