Life as ASASIpintar Student- Part 1

 Hi readers, welcome to my blog!

2 days ago I was scrolling down through my gallery and I came across this picture!

This gave me an idea of what to write for today's post. I was the ASASIpintar student for nearly a year. I'm glad and truly grateful to be the 'chosen one' (based on what my lecturer said) because it is what I wanted since I'm in Form 5. The reason why I chose ASASIpintar instead is that I believed that it is different from other Asasi. And yes, it is indeed different!

This is what you can find different in ASASIpintar: 

  • There is Research Subject (tbh, it is one of the toughest subjects for me, this subject has the most credit hours so it will heavily affect CGPA if not performed well. To complete this subject, I need to make a well-prepared proposal of the research that I wanted to conduct, then learned about SPSS and lastly prepared a full report and presented them. Sounds tough? Yes but it prepares you with what you need because you will need to take this subject in the third year during Degree(if I'm not mistaken) and since you already have the knowledge, it will be easier, trust me.

  • The Intake is Only About 100-200 students (this is the main reason why I chose ASASIpintar because for me fewer students, easier to concentrate. My classmates during Semester 1 is only 18 people, so the lecturer can concentrate on each one of us more)

Last bio class sem 1


  • Style of Learning (some of the subjects like Kemahiran Membuat Keputusan and LLA, use different styles of teaching and ways to gain marks. Like for LLA, every class has a production etc to produce a movie (well-made movie) and then there will be a night called ASASIpintar Movie Premier where all those movies will be aired for everyone to see. There are other things like volunteering, organizing programs, social experiment, TEDtalk, and camp)

               Badminton game
badminton game

Explorace gang

Bio class


badminton tournament team

What You Need to Know

  • Get CGPA 3.67 to graduate with 'Cemerlang'
  • Get straight As in SPM if you want to be in ASASIpintar (during my year, everyone got straight As)
  • Expect packed schedules because there is a lot to learn in a year
  • You will be studying at Pusat PERMATApintar Negara, so behave like one✌
So if I can conclude my time during Asasi, it was exhilarating, challenging but very exciting.

There is not one dull moment together. The best one for me was the time during Semester 2 when my class organized a campaign called 'Gaya Hidup Sihat' for Critical Analysis Subject. We made lots of programs like Badminton Tournament, Explorace, Talk and Calorie Counter Competition. We even had Shaheizy Sam to support our campaign and gives some interviews.

CA Exhibition
                       Camp Day 2
Camp Day 2

Sometimes we gathered at the cafe until late at night to make sure that everything is done. It may sound tiring, but when everyone team up and supports each other, the exhaustion just goes away.

Also, I still remember the time in Semester 1, when we had finished class early but there is no bus, so we decided to walk straight from PERMATApintar to Kolej Pendeta Zaba. If you really know about UKM, you will definitely be amazed😂 because it is so far away. But it's all memories.

The 'Walk'😂

And once in a  week, we ordered pizza and hang out together until late at night. The perk of being Asasi student at UKM, we don't need to join university's activities nor be afraid of getting kicked from college. I really missed those times...

After final exam sem 1
last class sem 2

Actually, there is a lot more to share but since I don't want the post to be too long and boring, I will end it here for now.

Until next time!


  1. Salam balkis,
    the chosen one :D
    this is my 1st time hearing about asasi pintar. that means u apply here straight away after SPM rite?
    good job on the content, as usual u never fail to give a new info on your blog.
    well done and keep it up!

    1. Yes, I applied through upu straight after spm and thank you for your encouragement Puan Fiza.


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