My Kind of Music

Hi guys!

I see we have met again.

It’s been a hectic week for me. There are so many things undone and too much money wasted because I tend to eat whenever it’s stressful. Yes, it’s not healthy (both to my body and money).😂

To top it, I’m going to go back to Kedah tomorrow which takes approximately 7 to 8 hours and my earphone decided to break now. This means that I’m going to have no music to entertain me for the whole journey tomorrow. What perfect timing.


Enough about the story of my life, what I want to write about today is my kind of music. Everyone loves music, right? Whether it’s a ballad, pop, rock, instrumental or even hip hop. Personally, I prefer ballad song better. Every time I listen to ballad, it makes me calmer and gave me a sense of relief.

Music to me is not just an art or entertainment, but it provides me with an escape that I needed. You know, when life is hard, but you have no one to turn to. That’s when music helps me.

Since I was 11 years old, I have always loved Bruno Mars. He is my idol till now.



The first Bruno Mars’s song I ever heard was When I Was Your Man. Before I didn’t really know about the meaning of the song (my English is not that good) but it was so addicting that I kept replaying the song again and again. In fact, I’m listening to it right now!

The next song from Bruno that I really like is Grenade. Again, it was so addicting. I’m imagining Bruno Mars dragging his piano across the road like in the music video.


The lyrics are so relatable to most of us. We keep on loving someone even if they hurt or betrayed us. It’s not that we are stupid, but the feeling is just there. Some people would say, just let it go but how can you when it is so hard to do so? (Okay, let’s stop being emotional)😁

                   Image result for we are friends gif cute animation

You can count on me like one two three
I'll be there
And I know when I need it I can count on you like four three two
You'll be there
'Cause that's what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah

Who wouldn’t recognize the lyrics? Count on Me is a very and truly beautiful song about friendship. It’s like friends’ national anthem. A true friend is always there for us, right? Because that’s what friends are for. I still remember there was a time when my friends and I would sing it out loud together without having care on what people would think about us. What a fun memory.

                    Image result for bruno mars just the way you are gif

Every song from Bruno Mars is such a bop for me. But for sure I’m not going to write it all. The best one so far for me is Just the Way You Are. When you appreciate and accepting someone as they are, including their flaws, that’s just so beautiful. The imperfect is what makes things perfect.

Lastly, this one really hits the bottom of my heart. It’s not from Bruno, but rather from Michael Jackson, Heal the World. It contains very powerful messages. How many people died from wars? How many people suffer from racism? We are all human, no one is above no one is below, so why can’t we stop being selfish and be loving instead?

                 Image result for michael jackson heal the world gif

Love is a powerful tool. It connects people. Therefore, let’s be loving to each other. So, this world can be better.

                                Image result for holding hands around the world gif

Hmm, I don’t intend for this post to be heavy, but it just came out of nowhere😅

Anyway, I have run out of ideas for what to write, let’s just stop here for now. So, what is your kind of music?


  1. Salam Balkis,
    well done. excellent posting as usual.
    i really like the intro part where you talk bout life first before begin writing on your blog.
    that's a very good way to get attention of your readers.
    keep it up!


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