My Class: Application of Computer

Good day everyone!
Welcome to my blog.

Today I'm feeling smart and I want to do something different for this post. For anyone who didn't know, I have been at UKM for a month🎉Not quite long, but enough to exhaust me. Kidding! It's been a month and I'm still good and steady. So I have been attending this class (Computer Application or we called it AppComp idk) for 3 times as of now, and I dare say that my knowledge regarding Microsoft Excel has improved a lot. Just like what Robert Boyce said,

'Knowledge is Power, Knowledge Shared is Power Multiplied', 

so I want to share what I have learned so far, therefore we can all be powerful💪So, shall we begin?

Let's start with a few basic functions such as formulas for simple calculations. Do you know that Excel has a long list of formulas for mathematics calculations? Instead of wasting your time inserting numbers in the calculator to calculate for mean, median or even mode, Excel has a feature to help you calculate within seconds. Let's say that you have a list of data in which you want to find its median, so what you need to do is:

  • Type =MEDIAN(highlight data), press ENTER, then it appears
Let's move a bit higher, functions in excel usually start with an equal sign "=". So if there is equal sign, Excel will read it as you attempting to do a function. After entering the right word, there will be a guide to help you. This way, you do not need to memorize the steps needed. However, for someone new or who has no experience using these functions, it still can be difficult because the terms used are not something that we are used to (I learned it the hard way😭)

A little bit of story of my life:
I had a lab test earlier this week and me, confident as always thinks that it will be easy since I have prepared myself and makes my friends surprised (they think I'm lazy😒). But in the end, surprising indeed. I need more practice. Doing it for one or two times only are not enough seriously. After all, practices make perfect. Even though I'm still upset about this, I'm trying to be positive and think of it as a part of the learning process. Let's spread positivity instead and pray so that Puan Fiza will give me good marks ey. 

Okay, let's continue. Functions don't just limit on mathematics calculations only, but also for other things like
  • Text (to combine two texts in different cell into one, upper caps, lower caps, remove unnecessary spaces, replace new character and separate text in one cell to two different cells, etc)
  • Logical Test (to check whether an argument satisfy certain conditions or not, IF, AND, OR) 
  • Lookup and References
Few examples of how to use those formulas:

  • To combine two texts in different cell into one cell, you need to use =CONCATENATE(highlight text1, highlight text2)
  • To replace new character, use =REPLACE(highlight old text, start number, number of characters, new text) For example, if you want to replace Laptop to Lappy, means replacing top to py, start number is 4, number of character is 3, new text is "py".
  • For IF function, the example is as follow 👇
Situation: You need to classify your students' results into a few sections such as PASS, FAIL, EXCELLENT according to their marks.

If there is only one condition to satisfy, use =IF  
  • Students who have more than or equal to 50 for full marks, will get PASS while those who don't satisfy it, will get FAIL  
General formulas, =IF(logical test, value if true, value if false)
Example formula, =IF(click on 75>=50,"PASS","FAIL"

If there are more than two results for, use nested IF means there is an IF function in an IF function
  • Students who have more than or equal to 70 for full marks, will get EXCELLENT while those who don't, will get either PASS or FAIL according to the condition above. 
General formulas, =IF(logical test, value if true, value if false)
Example formulas, =IF(click on 75>=70,"EXCELLENT",IF(click on 75>=50,"PASS","FAIL"))

If there is more than one condition to satisfy, use IF AND function
  • Students who have more than or equal to 70 for full marks and more than 50 for CR marks, will get DISTINCTION, while those who don't, will get either EXCELLENT, PASS or FAIL according to conditions above.
General formulas, =IF(AND(condition1,condition2),value if true, value if false)
Example formulas, =IF(AND(click on 75>=70,click on 14>50),"DISTINCTION",IF(click on 75>=70,"EXCELLENT",IF(click on 75>=50,"PASS","FAIL"))

Those are a few things I have learned in my class so far. It can be very confusing, but nothing practices can't take. 

This class is on Tuesday every week from 2pm until 5pm. So, yeah the struggle is real because that is the time when I feel very sleepy and too lazy to do anything. But that's students' life. Most of the time, you struggle with your own laziness instead of something else.

Apart from the knowledges, there are few things that I have learned from this class. The most important one, to come early to class or be punctual because if I'm late, there's no computer left for me so I need to bring my own laptop from hostel. It can be troublesome as the laptop is heavy. I still have a lot to discover and learn, so am really looking forward for next classes. 

Before I stop, for the last time let's pray so that I will get good marks for the previous lab test💪

That's all for now. Until next time!


  1. Salam balkis,
    u must be so struggling in my class huh? :D
    good job on the posting, u have explained clearly what u have learned in the class.
    Good job and keep it up!


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