A walk in UKM

Hi everyone!

It’s so hard to find free time anymore. The fact adding up to my lack of ideas for this posting (and a few postings back) makes me a little discourage.

                   Image result for discourage gif cartoon

But life goes on,
Let’s just move on.
They rhymed👆

Since my life has been boring for these past few weeks, I’m going to throwback (to back when my life is more eventful).

In my previous post, I wrote about a time when my friends and I walked back from PERMATApintar to KPZ because we were not patient enough to wait and there’s no bus.

I think I’m not really being honest when I wrote that. Actually, we took the shortcut, so it’s still far but not that far (you know what I meant). The usual route takes about 30 minutes journey by bus, starting from KPZ all the way to DECTAR and passing by KKM and Palapes. PERMATApintar and Kolej Pendeta Zaba are both situated at the opposite ends. To exaggerate, it's like Perlis and Johor on the map of Malaysia🙈

KPZ and PPN indicated by arrow

So, imagine if we walk through the usual route, it may take hours. If that’s the case, I would rather take Grab even if I need to wait. It's difficult to get Grab from there because apparently, it's too "ke dalam hutan" (forgive my lack of vocabulary) and it's kind of pricey. I was always forced to take Grab since I'm always late and missed the bus😓

The shortcut way takes about 45 minutes walking I think, can’t remember. I have walked a few times so I’m kind of used to it now. But back then, my first time is kind of horrible that it takes me a while to do it again.

The route follows through Rumah Tumbuhan and ended either at EIMAS KKM or the entrance of Taman Paku Pakis. But since we want to go back to KPZ, we chose the latter. Not many students really know about the route. It feels like I’m being in the countryside. There’s green everywhere. It's a fact that UKM has lots of trees but here, in this secluded area, the greens are even greener. The scenery along paths are absolutely beautiful. At a point, there's a small farm. There’re even goats. There are goats in UKM, not just cats and monkeys👀

Image result for rumah tumbuhan ukm

It’s like a different place. Far from the usual crowded UKM, the places along the route are kind of quiet, I saw more nature than people if that’s even a phrase. (the only people I saw were my classmates😅)

After Rumah Tumbuhan, we walked through Taman Paku Pakis. It's exactly like its name. The paths were kind of steep and slippery, especially after the rain. Here, you can see different types of Paku Pakis. There were even small shelters and pews for people to sit.

                             Related image

Maybe 30 minutes afterward, we finally arrived at the entrance of Taman Paku Pakis but it's not the end yet. Here comes the most difficult part, the hills to KPZ. This was where I sweat the most. It's very steep, even the bus moves slowly😂

For our first time, some of us including me took grab when we were halfway done. We gave up. But after that, we tried again on another day. And we did it.


Practices make perfect.

To sum it up, it’s fun. We talked a lot during the walk, our bond became stronger, but it cost a lot of my sweats😆. I mean, when we arrived at KPZ, we were like a bunch of messes. However, it made up memories. 

I haven't had the chance to explore UKM like I used to be during Asasi right now since my Degree life is too busy, except for this one time a few weeks ago. I'm kind of looking forward to do it again. 

UKM has a lot of places like this. But you need to be more active and explore on your own. Bus can’t go through these paths because it is too narrow so it can be dangerous.

Instead of just laying down on the bed in the evening, why not take a walk? There a lot to explore here.


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