My Class: Thai Language

Sawat di kha!

I had KFC’s Ayam Sawadee Crunch for lunch today and I’m still full while writing this entry. (This is not a KFC advertisement😂)

Image result for kfc sawadee crunch

It was good because I have been craving for it since the last 2 weeks and so you know, the satisfaction you got when something you crave is finally fulfilled. So, for today’s entry, I want to write about something related to Thai, not the food but my Thai class.

Yes, I’m not kidding.

Currently, I’m taking basic Thai language class. It was not intentional though. I had to take few subjects as my Citra (it is required in UKM) and you know how tough it is to compete for subject registration at university😑.

I was late and then there is literally no class available anymore for me to take. I was frustrated to be honest because I really want to learn Mandarin language,

but Allah has a better plan for me. 

Someone dropped Thai language class, so I just thought, let’s give this a try. And then boom, I fell in love with it😍

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My Thai class is the one that I’m always looking forward to every week. It is on Monday, at 4pm to 7pm (I know, it’s 3 hours). One word to describe the class, it is ENTERTAINING.

I just love everything. From the lecturer, who is very cute by the way (she’s a UPM lecturer actually), to classmates whom I find to be so humorous and lastly the language itself which is very beautiful.

What I love the most about this class is the atmosphere. Everyone is just happy and laid-back. It is good to have a relaxing class since others are a bit stressful. The lecturer is a very active person though. She loves to interact with us, always asking questions, always encourage us to talk more in Thai, applauding us whenever we try something new and always seems happy with what she’s doing.

Since this class is only for the beginner, so what I have learned until now are mostly basic but very essential in daily life. For this semester, I only learned phrases, verbs and a lot of words. I didn’t start writing yet. Maybe for next semester.

Here is how to introduce ourselves to people:

Khaà use by girls
Khapà use by boys
ChanàMe (First-person pronouns for girls)
PhomàMe (First-person pronouns for boys)

Siti: Sawat di kha (Hello)
Ali: Sawat di khap (Hello)
Siti: Khun chu a’rai kha (What is your name)
Ali: Phom chu Ali, khun la, khun chu a’rai khap? (My name is Ali, how about you, what is your name?)
Siti: Chan chu Siti, yin di: thi: dai ru: cak kha (My name is Siti, nice to meet you)
Ali: yin di: thi: dai ru: cak, chen kan khap (Nice to meet you too)

Here’s how to say goodbye:

Pai ko:n naàto say goodbye
Le:w phop kan maià until we meet again
Tok longà the answer to le:w phop kan mai

Siti: Kho: tho:t, chan pai ko:n na kha (Sorry, I need to go)
Ali: Mai pen rai, le:w phop kan mai khap (It’s okay, until we meet again)
Siti: Tok long

So, that’s a sneak peek into what I’m learning until now.

Before I stop, here’s my thought,

I believed that by learning another language, I’m preparing myself for the future. After all, it’s a bonus to know another language when I apply for jobs later. The interviewer will surely ask what differentiates me from other candidates. It might be hard at first, but it’s all worth it.

So, I really recommended you guys to take a language class!


  1. nice. it is really good that you guys have a chance to study this kind of subject in uni. so grab the chance properly ok.
    i wonder if you have other languages as well apart from thai n mandarin. korean maybe?
    good job on the posting as well :D


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