My First Semester in UKM, Sum Up!

Hi everyone!

I just finished watching Final Gegar Vaganza with my family. It was so good. The part that I enjoyed the most was the battle between Sham Visa and Jatt, performing Angguk-Angguk, Geleng-Geleng (originally by Ahli Fiqir). Actually I like all of the performances during the battle segment.

Unlike other people around me, I opted for Hady Mirza to be crowned as champion (my favourite is Roy but he got eliminated🤧) But oh well, he did win. Together with Naqiu. I won't argue. Naqiu is also very good. And he also, deserves to win.

But why can't you choose one winner Astro?
I have been nervous for nothing😂

Anyway, it was a good stress reliever for me. I'm taking a break from studying for final exam😂

Yes, I'm currently on study week😌

Anyway, since final is in only like few days more, that also means that my first semester is going to finish. Yay!

So, I want to write a bit about the things that happened during this sem.

To be honest, it doesn't feel like I did much. Time flies so fast. Compared to when I was in Asasi (I always asked myself when will everything be over), this sem didn't feel that long. It's like I blinked, then everything is done and over (maybe too much hyperbole).

Anyway, I made some new friends and each of them gives different impact on me. Some who I found to be the friend that I don't realize I needed, some who gives the best advices and some who became toxic to me. I have learnt that not everyone befriend us with good intention. Some 'friend' just want something from us but didn't want to give something back in return.

Group project. People has been saying that in university, you need to choose well. Especially for group project.

It's true. Really.

I'm the type who need to make sure that i give my best when it comes to assignments or works. I also have my own style. But when it comes to group project, I need to compromise.

What I can say about my groups this sem, I like that they give cooperation (kind of for some) They are not the type who left the project undone (also for some) But, I really hope that they can be more passionate and responsible. If there is one thing that I can say to them, it is that I want them to sort their priorities right. Knows what need to be done first, and what follows.

And please, be more considerate. If you want to get A, then the effort must be A too😚

Next, studies. I struggled a lot. I'm still not used to what I'm studying. I'm initially a science stream student. I took IGCSE during high school, so it feels like I have studied science since forever. But I did enjoyed the classes. The hardest one for me this sem must be Accounting😖 I'm really hoping that I will at least get A-. The least difficult subject for me is Bahasa Thai. However, I'm not sure if I want to continue taking Bahasa Thai for next sem😂

After writing this, I'm going to go back to study😂


I have a plan sorted, and to achieve that, I must get excellent result. I can do this🤜🤛

Programs. Just like what I wrote on previous post, I didn't join many programs this sem. The only major one is International Festival. Up until now, there are not that much works that I did except for selling food, taking shifts for our stall during Caliph Journey and few discussion for run and sport ideas. I hope that they had everything in plan because I'm sure are panicking 😶I couldn't do much. I'm not the leader or the one in charge. I bet that we are going to be really busy next sem.

Hangout. Sometimes I went out to meet my friends. In Ukm, usually we went to Kpz or Pusanika to eat together. And there were rare moments when we go out of Ukm. Like that one time when I accompany my friends to an event at NU Sentral and also when we went to Kajang because we were craving Nasi Kandar (nasi kandar at Penang remains the best).

Also, just a week ago, I went out with some of my friends from high school. 2 of them are going overseas to further their studies, so this was like our last get-together. But it was quite adventurous. We literally went to UPM, had breakfast there, then went to The Mines for Big Bad Wolf and lastly to IOI City Mall, where we had dinner. All in one day.

But I didn't regret it. I didn't spend too much money nor wasting my times. I always had the most fun whenever I'm with my old friends. They knows me better.

Improvements. I learnt a lot. I handle things better. Throughout this sem, I encounter so many difficulties. I didn't get mad easily like how I used to (although there are some people who just know how to push my buttons😑 like giving excuses to not come to group discussion or waking me up from my sleep or doesn't have common sense to flush the toilet after using it)

Overall. I'm quite satisfied. There is more to come. I'm looking forward to it.

This may or not be my last post.

For now, goodbye.

And have a nice day.


  1. Salam Balkis,
    U never disappoint me till the end.
    you are just basically summarize everything in this post and it suits really well since this will be your last post..
    congrats, i sincerely admire your talent in writing.
    in fact i have been asking my daughter to read your blog to improve her english hahaha
    well done balkis, am sure you will do well in exam and future inshaallah.
    good luck!


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