
Showing posts from November, 2019

FEP Econ Hunt

Hello everyone! I’m really in a good mood today.                     Lab test already done✅ Assignments are 60% completed✅ Finally fulfilled my seafood craving✅ I make new friends (I consider myself as an introvert, maybe a little because I always have this weird dislike towards people)✅ Econ Hunt finished✅ I’m going home tomorrow✅ And the most important thing, today is such an eventful day✅ So, hopefully, this post will turn out better and make up for the previous posts. Anyway, the Econ Hunt finished today, just a few hours ago. My legs are betraying me right now. They are sore and it contributes much to make me sleepy. I also got sunburned (it’s been a while since the last time). But, as much as I prefer to be sitting in class, with air conditioner, I actually enjoyed the event. Finally feels like I did something after these past few weeks. So, congratulation to the AJKs🎉 🎉🎉 A bit intro for Econ Hunt. It contributes 20% marks for final in Macroeconomic

My Class: Management

Hi guys, welcome back! This week has been a roller coaster. With the incoming final examination, all sudden everything becomes packed up. Assignments deadlines approaching, programs to attend and tests and quizzes that are yet to be done. I'm Patrick Anyway, I just finished my part on one of my assignments. It’s for management subject. We need to choose a company to do an analysis. My group selected the Alibaba Group. Hence right now, I’m full of the knowledge of Alibaba. The story of how the founder of Alibaba works hard to build the group from the small, unknown company until it becomes one of the most successful companies nowadays is really inspiring. There's always a story to tell behind every success. Co-founder of Alibaba, Jack Ma                       But that's not the main point of this entry. I mean, I can write about Alibaba Group but that would be like redoing my assignment again😳 To be honest, had I didn't learn about management

A walk in UKM

Hi everyone! It’s so hard to find free time anymore. The fact adding up to my lack of ideas for this posting (and a few postings back) makes me a little discourage.                     But life goes on, Let’s just move on. They rhymed👆 Since my life has been boring for these past few weeks, I’m going to throwback (to back when my life is more eventful). In my previous post, I wrote about a time when my friends and I walked back from PERMATApintar to KPZ because we were not patient enough to wait and there’s no bus. I think I’m not really being honest when I wrote that. Actually, we took the shortcut, so it’s still far but not that far (you know what I meant). The usual route takes about 30 minutes journey by bus, starting from KPZ all the way to DECTAR and passing by KKM and Palapes. PERMATApintar and Kolej Pendeta Zaba are both situated at the opposite ends. To exaggerate, it's like Perlis and Johor on the map of Malaysia🙈 KPZ and PPN indicated

My Class: Thai Language

Sawat di kha! I had KFC’s Ayam Sawadee Crunch for lunch today and I’m still full while writing this entry. (This is not a KFC advertisement😂) It was good because I have been craving for it since the last 2 weeks and so you know, the satisfaction you got when something you crave is finally fulfilled. So, for today’s entry, I want to write about something related to Thai, not the food but my Thai class. Yes, I’m not kidding. Currently, I’m taking basic Thai language class. It was not intentional though. I had to take few subjects as my Citra (it is required in UKM) and you know how tough it is to compete for subject registration at university😑. I was late and then there is literally no class available anymore for me to take. I was frustrated to be honest because I really want to learn Mandarin language, but Allah has a better plan for me.  Someone dropped Thai language class, so I just thought, let’s give this a try. And then boom, I fell in love with it😍

My Journey from UKM to Kedah

Good day everyone! I just returned from home after finishing my midsemester break. I’m still feeling a little bit dizzy and tired from the journey. I’m from Kedah, so you see, it’s a long journey.                      Having to travel back and forth from Bangi to Alor Setar each time is a bit tiresome, to be honest. But I’m used to it now to the point that I’m able to actually enjoy the whole journey. Since I can’t seem to grasp on ideas for new entry (I’m still thinking while writing this), so I decided to share my experiences traveling from UKM à Kedah🙌 The fastest way is obviously by flight. It only takes about 1 hour and a half if I’m not mistaken. But I didn’t take the flight because I’m afraid to fly alone. Instead, I took either ETS or bus. Usually, I prefer  ETS more because it is more convenient, comfortable and punctual.   ETS is controlled by technology, so it’s very punctual. It only takes about 4 to 5 hours to arrive depending on what typ